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Personal stories

There are many choices to make when finding a therapist to suit your needs and goals. What works for one person may not work for another. By learning from what others have done, you may find what is best for you.

The personal stories collected are from people of different ages, backgrounds and disabilities. Some live in the city and some in regional areas.

The stories reflect the opinions of the people themselves and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Occupational Therapy Australia.

Tim - in his teens, lives in Melbourne and has autism
Discusses speech pathologists

Luke - in his 20's, lives in Melbourne and has cerebral palsy
Discusses psychologists

Catherine - in her early 30s, lives in Melbourne and is Deaf
Discusses psychologists

Scott - in his 40's, lives in the Barwon region of Victoria and has spina bifida
Discusses occupational therapists

John - in his 50's, lives in the Hunter region of NSW and has an acquired brain injury and quadriplegia
Discusses physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech pathologists and dietitians

Christine - under 65, lives in Melbourne and has post-polio syndrome
Discusses occupational therapists and physiotherapists

Peter - under 65, lives in Melbourne and has post-polio syndrome
Discusses speech pathologists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and psychologists